Someone said: 'I can't imagine a world without music'. I fully agree with that thought. Music played and plays an important role in my life, it's my favourite mean of expression... a song is like a painting, a book, a poem... every listener lives totally different emotions from the others...

However, I'm not a professional musician (see my bio). Mainly I play and compose for fun, it really helps me to feel better. My everyday job is not music and that's the reason I never tried to make money selling my compositions. Instead, I prefer to share (freely, at no cost) my songs with everybody, hoping they will feel better like me.

Songs are grouped by album, click a front cover and the list of tracks and audio player will appear and allow the listening.

My songs are also published on my pages, if you too have an account you may add me to your contacts and you'll be notified when I publish new songs.


album: Not Natural

year: [in progress]

Not Natural album is not yet completed, but you may listen here the album's preview tracks. They're also published and downloadable on frankygoes ReverbNation and SoundCloud pages.

1. Devilish (4:26)

2. Marik (5:23)

3. Symdelia (In The Sideral Spaces) (10:29)

4. Ninnananna, Bandidos (3:28)

5. A Slight Return Of Mines (5:58)

6. . . .

7. . . .

8. . . .

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album: Fly Away

year: 2010

tracks: 9

time: 38:21

md5: 7c635d96a8e7f4923dc2b50dbbe286bc
sha1: b7ae05b5f4fce9a65c23b6565e798da311b59c90

md5: 377df0573f16c6a2df206cbdc76aa5f9
sha1: 5e497e3b6b2450ebf5d9c4f1a202f3de895ef94a

Let me say Fly Away is an instrumental work. Many people don't like or don't understand instrumental music. Sorry, if you're one of them probably you won't appreciate it. But if you usually listen to every kind of music without prejudice then this album is right for you.
You must also be informed it is a one-man project and so may have some limitations, my whole creature from composition to recording, from audio engineering to cover art... it's my soul transposed to notes.
Apart one of the tracks partially recorded in first half of 2006, it's late year 2008 that signed my return to guitar and represented a start point to develop this album. During all this time my wife and my friends encouraged me to continue to play and compose, so fundamentally the resulting musical piece is dedicated to them.

1. Anger n.357 (4:09)

2. Tullio's Funk (5:36)

3. Darkest Era (5:03)

4. Complex To Say (6:41)

5. Punk Way (3:01)

6. Wrong World (3:19)

7. One Day (4:27)

8. Skatuozz (4:06)

9. Low Level (1:59)

If the audio player doesn't activate, you will need Adobe Flash Player and a Javascript enabled browser.

album: Order & Chaos

year: 2000

tracks: 6

time: 18:24

Order & Chaos EP was my first totally-solo work, all songs (with the exception of Watchers) were composed, arranged and performed by me. These six tracks are a blend of styles from rock to techno, punk to electronic, funk to reggae and much more. Note that my recording equipment at that age was of low quality level compared to what I own today.

1. When The Summer Comes (4:50)

2. Alpha State (2:26)

3. Injustice House (2:51)

4. Monikalimera (1:39)

5. Dancing On Your Face / N.P.S.D. (5:39)

6. Watchers (0:59)

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All rights reserved 1997-2013 © Francesco "frankygoes" Pellone